Goddess Parvati is the embodiment of Sakthi and is the wife of Lord Shiva and mother of Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha. She has 108 names and each one of them has a special meaning and significance. Devotees who chant these names will be blessed for their devotion. As all the other Goddesses are reincarnations of Goddess Parvati she is often referred to as the Divine Mother.
The legend of Goddess Parvati is closely related to Lord Shiva. She was born as a reincarnation of Sati so that she could marry Lord Shiva. Their union was supposed to create a son who would defeat the evil demons and restore order in the heavens.
Lord Shiva had retreated to a cave after the death of Sati for meditation. Goddess Shakti was born as a incarnation of Goddess Parvati to help the Gods defeat the demons. It was after a lot of penance that she won the love of Lord Shiva and married him.
There are ten aspects of Goddess Parvati and these are known to be a representation of her power and knowledge. All these ten aspects are jointly known as Dasamahavidyas and each one of them is a form that she undertook to destroy evil and bless her worshippers.
Kali is the first representation of Goddess Parvati and she was known as the destroyer. She is also known as the Goddess of time.
Tara is known as the source from which the universe evolves as she is known to represent the power of the golden embryo. Boundless space or void is the other thing that she is known to represent.
Sodasi is the third representation of Goddess Parvati and is known to represent perfection and fullness. The literal meaning of the term “Sodasi” is one who is sixteen years of age.
The forces of the material world are represented by Vidya Bhuvanevari
Desires and temptations that often lead to destruction and death are represented by the fifth form of Goddess Parvati known as Bhairavi.
Vidya Chinnamasta is the sixth form of Goddess Parvati and is known to represent the created world in a continuous cycle of creation and destruction. She is often shown as holding her own severed head and drinking blood from it.
Destroying the world by fire is the seventh form of Goddess Parvati and is known as Dhumavati. After the world is destroyed by fire only the smoke and ashes will remain
Vidya Bagala is the eight form of the Goddess and is known to represent cruelty, hatred and jealousy. These are the negative aspects of any individual.
The power of domination is represented by the ninth form of Goddess Parvati and is known as Matangi.
Vidya Kamala is also known as Goddess Lakshmi and she is said to be the Goddess of fortune.
All the ten forms of Goddess Parvati are known to represent the loving and aggressive nature of the Goddess. She is also known as the Goddess of power. Lord Kartikeya and Lord Ganesha were the two sons of the Goddess and have been bestowed with a lot of power.
The appearance of Goddess Parvati will vary depending on whether she is depicted alone or with Lord Shiva. When she is depicted along with Lord Shiva she has two hands with a blue lotus in her right hand and the left hand by her side.
When she is depicted alone she has four hands with the lotus in two of the hands and the other two hands in a mudra. Goddess Parvati is known to represent family, marriage and motherhood and is worshipped and revered all over the world.